OpenRail Designer Help

Place Trench - Snap to Connection Point

Ribbon: OpenRail Modeling > Rail > Miscellaneous > LV Assets

Placing a Trench by snapping to a Connection Point (yellow points in the picture below) can be done using Elevation Mode set to Relative to Centerline or Relative to Closest Rail. The Trench will utilize the Connection Point to set Offset (disabled in the UI after snapping), but the Elevation will be set relative to Centerline or Closest Rail. The elevation of the Connection Point will only set the Trench Elevation in case when Elevation Mode is set to Absolute.


  1. Select the Place Trench tool
  2. Select Centerline (or Pathway)
  3. Set Elevation Mode to,
    1. Relative to Centerline or,
    2. Relative to Closest Rail
  4. Snap to a Connection Point
  5. Select endpoint for the Trench
  6. Select geometry (or Pathway) for the Elevation offset